For my preliminary work this year I choose to create a vinyl cover and a short montage on the song ,,Los Angeles" by ,,The Midnight''.
The actual process:
When it came to creating the montage I was really scared at first as I never did anything like that before and I actually did not have any experience in filming and video editing nor a clear idea of how I wanted the project to look like. I started by choosing a song that inspired me and also that I like because of its energic tone and happy nuances that I wanted to transmit through my music video. After that, I choose my location. I knew I wanted the filming happening somewhere in nature, so at first, I thought about choosing a wild place, near a waterfall maybe. However, this was not possible as it was hard to get to the place and even harder to climb near the waterfall with the camera and everything on me.
Because of this, I ended up doing the filming in a green, full of trees, park, in my hometown.
Here, I will put only the videos I ended up using although I had many more to choose from but which I had to delete because of the lack of space in my computer.
The model is wearing hoodies of different colours as they represent different feelings that she experiences. At first, she wears a black hoodie, representing, boredom, monotony and the feeling of frustration as she wants to escape a repetitive, predictable life, After that, her state of mind changes, she is more optimistic and bold, this being illustrated through the red hoodie. I edited the video in a programme named Video Editor Plus Movavi as I needed something simple to work with at first and for some reason, I could not install iMovie.I used different filters and animation techniques in order to induce a more nostalgic feeling at the begginging using the vignette effect and then, while the model is wearing the red hoodie I switched to lighter effects. In the end, I used a voice effect, fading out the music and decreasing the speed to obtain a special voice transition. I added the song by downloading it as an mp3 onto my computer and then inserting it in Movavi.
When it comes to the vinyl cover, I found this to be more difficult as I could not reach a result that I really liked. Firstly I choose a photo I thought it would be good for the cover of an album. These are some of the photos I took with the same model as I wanted the music video to match the montage.
I then wanted to make the balloons pop out from the picture, editing them in different, outstanding and unusual colours as I also saw ,,The Midnight'' doing this in their album covers. I did this process in Photoshop. This step was particularly hard for me as I needed to edit the balloons separately, on another photo layer and then put everything together. I put sone of the layer in groups and then change the hue, saturation and colour balance a lot of times until I finally reached something that I liked. I now realise that the result could have been better, and I know what to improve next time as for example, I disliked the colour one ballon turned into bu tI did not know how to edit it without changing everything.
I used Adobe Illustrator afterwards in order to put the name on the album and artist. Although I know that the song is called,,Los Angeles" I choose to put,, Forever'' as the title because it just fits better with the whole esthetic of my album cover. For the front cover, I mainly used the curvature tool in order to arrange the text on how I wanted. The back cover is way more simplistic having only the name of the songs and some basic information.